NPN Preschool & Elementary School Fair

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Sunday, October 6
Free with Admission Partner Program/Event

Drop by Neighborhood Parents Network’s Annual Preschool & Elementary School Fair 2024! Held every fall, NPN’s Annual Preschool & Elementary School Fair has been the No. 1 resource for school-searching parents for over 20 years! Enjoy a complimentary musical performance from Bubbles Academy, giveaways, raffle prizes, refreshments, and more!

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This year, families have an opportunity to talk with representatives from nearly 60 schools, both public and private, as well as daycares and enrichment providers. Plus your family will enjoy:

🎵 A special children's musical performance from Bubbles Academy teaching artists

✏️ Two 30-minute parent breakout sessions about preK and elementary school search (stay tuned for more information!)

🎁 Raffle prizes and giveaways for registered attendees

🧁 Refreshments

Buy Your Tickets Today

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