Teacher Professional Development

Supports include: Museum educator modeling of science teaching best practices, standards aligned curriculum, and interactive training workshops.
- Time of Year
- All School Year
- Location
- At The Museum or At Your School
The Nature Museum offers a variety of professional development workshops tailored specifically for your school’s or group’s goals, designed to support STEM and STEAM learning, and built to explore the Next Generation Science Standards. Professional development hosted at the Nature Museum or at your school engages teachers in collaborative discussions and model lessons.
Supports include: Museum educator modeling of science teaching best practices, standards-aligned curriculum, and interactive training workshops.
Custom Teacher Professional Development
Professional Development Workshop Topics
Choose from the following topics:
Explore strategies that encourage and center student curiosity during learning using the Nature Museum’s model of inquiry. Discuss classroom routines that build a culture of inquiry and collaboration among students, and teacher moves that keep all students both engaged and challenged. Participate in hands-on inquiry that inspires classroom activities, and receive support in planning inquiry-based lessons.
Excited by the potential of the NGSS to elevate science teaching and learning at your school? Looking to explore how 3-Dimensional, phenomenon-driven units can increase the engagement, rigor, and accessibility of science? Whether you are looking for a comprehensive overview or a deep dive, the Nature Museum will use real-world phenomena to bring the standards to life, and provide opportunities for teachers to unpack NGSS-aligned resources.
Connect students to the nature they see everyday. Getting students of any age outside to experience and observe nature close-by is a great way to explore science and connect students to their communities. Explore hands-on, interdisciplinary techniques and activities for using the natural resources right outside your school to get students interested and engaged in science learning. Practice ways to involve students in the process skills of observation, data collection, and conducting investigations, using the schoolyard or a local park as inspiration.
Using Science as a starting point, we can continue to strengthen our students’ critical thinking skills across subjects like reading, math, SEL and the arts by incorporating them into the inquiry process. Explore strategies for engaging students in using complex non-fiction texts, analyzing and interpreting data, drawing for understanding, and using evidence to support arguments as part of ongoing science units. Build students’ academic language and content understanding through integration of hands-on activities and authentic student-driven discussion. Support social and emotional learning through relevant connections to local, observable nature and ecosystems.
Cost & Registration
$250/hour for up to 30 teachers; $350/hour for 30 to 60 teachers. Each workshop is a minimum 2 hours.
Workshop fee includes workshop supplies, printed materials, administrative fees, Nature Museum staff time, and travel as appropriate. Teachers will receive digital and or print packets of teaching resources.
For more information or to schedule a custom workshop, contact Teacher Programs at teacherprograms@naturemuseum.org or 773-755-5100 x 5034.

One-Time Teacher Professional Development
The Nature Museum offers a variety of professional development ranging from content-based graduate credit courses to science inquiry and pedagogy workshops.
All workshops are designed to help teachers deepen their science content knowledge and address STEM learning, NGSS, and Common Core Standards.
Check back for opportunities as they become available.

Partner Teacher Conference
Our annual Partner Teacher Conference connects teachers with museum scientists and educators through tailored breakout sessions centered around natural phenomena, urban ecology, and best practices in science education including the Next Generation Science Standards.
Check back in December for information on our January 2025 conference.
Experience nature and science up close with a trip to the Nature Museum.